The commission takes place in three parts : The quote request, the quote approval and the building of the product.
The following graphic shows both the quote request and quote approval process.

The quote request
A quote is the specific price you will have to pay, the amount depends on your character’s complexity and amount of materials needed. Asking for a quote is simple : through a form that will be available on the main page of this website, you will indicate what kind of product you want (type of costume, requests…) and you will give your character’s reference. After inspecting your demand and calculating the time and materials I would need to make your product, I give you a precise price. You must then either accept the quote or decline it.
You must ask for a quote only when my commissions’ status is “open”. I will announce the date of the opening of commissions weeks in advance on social media, I advise you follow me on there so you don’t miss it. The duration of the commissions’ opening is about a week, but can be shorter or longer depending on the number of quotes submitted.
The quote approval
Approving your quote doesn’t mean your commission is approved, it only means that you apply for a slot with your quote at the current round of commissions. Amongst all approved quotes, I will choose the project(s) that fit best the period of time I am looking to fill with work. I prefer to only take one person at a time, but it can happen that I choose more depending on the types of projects that are submitted to me.
Upon approving the quote, a non-refundable 40% downpayment has to be made if your project is chosen, to reserve your place in the queue and buy the materials. If you refuse the quote but you would like to commission me in the future, you can use that quote again for a period of 12 months. After that you will have to ask for a new quote.
Building of the product
Before I can start working on making your costume, you will need to send me more in detail information so I can better prepare your project and source the corresponding materials in the necessary quantity.
You will need to make and send me a Duct Tape Dummy. A DTD is a mannequin of your own body made with duct tape and allows me to make your costume tailored to your body.
If your DTD is defective and rips (badly made or with cheap materials), you will be charged for the time I spent fixing it. To make sure your DTD is correct, please refer to the page How to make my DTD of this website.
Warning: this mannequin represents your body at a certain point in time and the costume will be based onto its measurements. If you gain or lose weight before receiving your costume, I will not be responsible for any size difference.
Depending on the type of project, I will also need various measurements, like your shoe size, several head circumferences, wrist circumference and your hand traced onto paper. This information is requested after the order is confirmed.
How do I pay ?
All payments must be made by bank transfer.
Payment of the total amount is made in three different payments : The downpayment (40%), the pre-building payment (30%), the pre-shipment payment (30%+shipping). Let’s call them Payment A, Payment B and Payment C.
– Payment A is to be made in full and is non-refundable.
– Payment B can be divided in several payments (3 maximum) as long as it is paid off before the start of the building process.
– Payment C can be divided in several payments (3 maximum) as long as it is paid off before shipping the finished product.
If you didn’t find the information you were looking for, read our Terms of Service, they explain in detail the commission process and give a lot of useful information !