You have to be absolutely certain that you want to order when you proceed with your commission. A fursuit is a huge investment and you have to be prepared to make payments before deadlines. I can accommodate my time in case of unforeseen circumstances but you are responsible for your life organization and money management.
You are required to read my Terms of Sales before submitting an order request.
You have to be over the age of legal majority in your country to order on your own. I will not work directly with anyone under that age. A parent or legal guardian is allowed to order for a minor. In that case, I will communicate with the legal guardian for the entirety of the commission process.
Basic personal information and an official identity document (ID card, passport, driver’s license…) has to be provided. This information will not be disclosed and will serve for formalities and shipping of the final product only.
Keep in mind I live in France, so if you’re out of the Eurozone, your product may be inspected by customs and charged extra fees. I advise that you check your country’s customs’ terms for more information.
You are also required to read my Terms of Sales before submitting an order request.

When submitting a quote, you are expected to show a character reference. A reference is a picture showing your character at different angles detailing all of its colors, markings and anatomy, without shadows and showing the tongue and underside of the character’s paws.
A reference showing a front, back and side fullbody view is ideal. I will not be able to establish a quote with less than a front and back view reference.
Your character’s reference has to be SFW (No visible genitals).
Your character must be created by you or obtained through legal means such as sold, exchanged or gifted to you (taking an image on Google Images is not a solution!). This also means I will not make a costume based on copyrighted material (ex : I can’t make you a Mickey Mouse or Pokémon costume).
I may make a reverse image search to make sure you are the owner of the character.
Every costume is unique, I will not make a copy of an already existing one made by another maker or by me. You may show me pictures of already existing pieces of work for inspiration, but the result will be undeniably new and unique.
If you don’t have a character, I can design one for you based on your criteria and preferences (this is a separate commission from the fursuit commission process). Contact me by email to discuss a design commission.

Colors on reference images that you send me may differ from a screen monitor to another.
Warning, all designs may not be makeable as a costume ! Complex designs showing a lot of markings (stripes, spots…) or peculiar markings (geometric, very detailed…) will have to be simplified in order to be made into a costume. Gradients are not possible to make, colors must have a clear-cut transition from one to another.
If your character has small and intricate markings on long fur, they look as crisp as you want them to be (long hairs will blur the limit between the marking and the rest of the fur, making it almost impossible to recognize it).
I will work with you to make your costume as close to what your character looks like with the materials that are available on the market. Your character may have a very specific shade of color that cannot be matched with an existing fabric. We might have to compromise and find a fabric that is the closest shade. I won’t dye fabric for durability reasons.
Considering these difficulties, you can contact me by email prior to ordering so we can talk about the design of your character (and if adaptations are needed, what solutions suit your character best)!
All confirmed commissions go through a materials validation step prior to the start of fabrication. I send you samples of furs and fabrics that match your project so you can choose the options that you like best.
What I do not do
I will not make a costume for someone under 16 years old. I do not work with minors.
I don’t incorporate electronics such as LEDs, fans, or animatronics in my costumes. I can make extra room in the head of the costume to fit a fan and wiring if requested when ordering, but you will have to add it yourself afterwards.
I will not work with you if your character depicts any hateful symbols or reflect hateful ideologies.
I will not make a costume with NSFW (Not Safe For Work) attributes, including sculpted genitals as well as modifications for sexual activities. You are, of course, allowed to modify the costume yourself for the activity of your choice when the warranty is over! However, I do not wish to make repairs on costumes that have been made into NSFW fursuits or having been used for sexual activities.

You will need to make and send me a Duct Tape Dummy. A DTD is a mannequin of your own body made with duct tape and allows me to make your costume tailored to your body.
If your DTD is defective and rips (badly made or with cheap materials), you will be charged for the time I spent fixing it. To make sure your DTD is correct, please refer to the page How to make my DTD of this website.
Warning: this mannequin represents your body at a certain point in time and the costume will be based onto its measurements. If you gain or lose weight before receiving your costume, I will not be responsible for any size difference.
Depending on the type of project, I will also need various measurements, like your shoe size, several head circumferences, wrist circumference and your hand traced onto paper. This information is requested after the order is confirmed.
For the detailed ordering process, please refer to the Order process and payment page of this website.
I don’t accept deadlines. Making these costumes takes time and skill, and I unfortunately could risk making a lesser quality product if I feel rushed.
Completion of your costume can take 3 to 12 weeks depending on what you commissioned. Each commission opening corresponds to a precise period of work, commissions usually open a few months ahead of the start of the work on the chosen commission.
Once your commission is confirmed, I will give you an approximative completion date.
I recommend not to plan any event that is close to this date that includes your future costume in case unforeseen circumstances cause a delay of its delivery.
After delivery, the product is under warranty for 2 months.
It’s strongly advised to try your costume on at least once during this period to test the fit and durability for the activities it’s intended for. If you notice a defect or faulty part during the warranty period, I will repair it free of charge and cover the fees of shipping to me as well as the return to you.
Any modification made to your costume by someone that is not me, puts an end to the warranty. After the warranty is over, you can ask me to make necessary changes at any time after you receive your costume (repairs, reinforcements) for a corresponding fee.

My products are not meant for children under 16 years old.
The finished product is to be used within its limits. It will not resist activity demanding extreme movements (ex : gymnastics). The owner is responsible for any damage caused by reckless use.
I am not responsible for injuries and health issues caused by the user’s reckless behavior. It is greatly recommended to wear the costume only a few hours at a time, to take breaks every 15 minutes to rehydrate yourself, and to cool down, especially for inexperienced suiters and full digitigrade costumes. It is also recommended to be guided by someone, as costume heads greatly reduce sensory perception like vision, hearing, and touch, which can increase the risk of tripping over and accidents.
Temperature in costume heads can easily reach 35°C – 40°C (95°F – 104°F).
If you experience heavy sweating (or complete lack of sweat), nausea, vomiting, fatigue, weakness, headache, muscle cramps, dizziness, or fainting, you are experiencing heat exhaustion. In that case, take the costume off immediately and allow your body to reach its normal temperature before considering putting the costume back on.
Use is not recommended if you have a fragile heart or can’t handle temperature rises. If you have any medical history that could pose a danger while wearing a costume, ask for your doctor’s opinion.
Failure to properly maintain the costume can lead to health issues due to mold growth inside the materials from sweat. To ensure safe use on the long term, the owner has to take care of the product by cleaning it with appropriate cleaning products (refer to the Care Guide page of this website) after every use. Occasionally, gently brushing the fur will help it stay nice and groomed. A clean costume also makes the experience more pleasant for everyone!